This EMP Cannon Stops Cars Almost Instantly

Gizmodo, 2010

This EMP Cannon Stops Cars Almost Instantly


"We've heard of electromagnetic pulses cutting steel in milliseconds, but apparently they can also be used to stop moving cars just as fast. The cannon demonstrated in the video here is still a prototype, but it definitely seems to work.

The idea is that an electromagnetic pulse would be used to disable a car's microprocessors, chips, and whatever other electronics are keeping it running. The final "cannon" system, built by Eureka Aerospace, will apparently a bit smaller and lighter than what we see in the video—it'll be suitcase-sized and about 50 pounds—and it will "stop cars in their tracks up to 656 feet (200 m) away."

Click to watch the full video

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About Eureka Aerospace

Starting from 2008, Eureka Aerospace’s effort has been primarily focused on the
development of a novel compact and modular Photoconductive Semiconductor
Switch (PCSS)–based High–Power Microwave System (HPMS), where multiple 
PCSSs are simultaneously triggered by miniature Lased Diode Array (LDA) chips. 

Also starting from 2002, Eureka Aerospace has been developing through the wall 
Impulse Synthetic Aperture Radar (ImpSAR), which culminated in successful field 
tests at Ft. Irwin, CA and Huachuka, AZ.

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